Secure salted passwords with ruby

Step one, Understand

So I’ve been playing with Sinatra and Redis over the past few months and as part of my more professional side I am creating a blog platform for my other website and as a result I wanted user authentication to ensure I and only I could update it, there’s a chance that at some point I may want to allow others to sign up and login but quite frankly not yet and this is over kill but none the less we learn an develop, so here’s the first step in building it from scratch.

Understanding some key concepts when it comes to authentication is key, so first some history lessons and why it is a bad idea to use those approaches today. Back in the day, way back when, people were trusting and assumed no evil of this world, we call these people naive; predominantly they relied on servers being nice and snug behind firewalls and locked cabinets. As such the passwords were saved in plain text in a database, or a file who cares, it’s human readable, so the attack on this is trivial. Let’s assume you are not silly enough to run the database over a network with no encryption and are instead running it locally well if I have access to your machine I will probably find it in a matter of minuets and if I have physical access within an hour it’s mine, all of them. On a side note, if you’re using plain text passwords anywhere you’re an idiot or in early stages of testing…

After realising this approach was bad, people thought, I can protect this and I will hash the password! wonderful, so you use md5, or sha it doesn’t matter which but for this example let’s say you chose md5. What you have done here is very cunningly created a password that is not human readable. However, be ashamed of your self if you still think this is secure, and here’s why. There are a lot of combinations (2^128 = 340 trillion, trillion, trillion) which to be honest is a lot! the chances of two clashes are so slim why worry about it! Wrong just plain wrong. So here’s why it’s bad, 1, people are idiots and for some strange reason we use typically words to make up passwords so if your password was “fridge” I’d imagine, what this means is if I as mr Hacker get hold of your DB I sit there while I run a dictionary style attack generating thousands of common words into md5 sums and before long I have a word that matches the same md5 sum as your password see this what’s better is because you’re a human it’ll probably work on all sites you use, Nice. The second problem is I don’t have to actually do that grunt work, people have already done it for me and they are called Rainbow tables so trivially I can download it and just do a simple query to find a phrase that matches yours. Don’t think it’s an issue, LinedIn did they fixed it perfectly.

Excellent, So now we’re getting to a point where we need something better, and this is where Salts come in. The basic concept is you type in a password and I as a server concatenate a random string to it and generate a hash. This over comes the rainbow table, because the likely hood of someone having generated a rainbow table from my random salt is highly unlikely, certainly a lot less likely than 2^128. However, lets assume I’m big web provider that got hacked and lost everyones password, “Ha! I used a salt, Good luck cracking that!” they say. Sure, a few points, 1, the salt is stored in the DB, 2, Computers are quicker than they use to be. With the advances in graphic processor cracking and amazon boxes Password cracking is more or less a matter of time & money, but how much is the key.

Using a single salt on all passwords is still bad, the best that I know of today is to use a unique salt for every password. Even if all users have the same password they all have unique hashes, and this is the corner stone. For every user that joins up, generate a secure random salt, add it to the password and generate a hash. So for every user a massive amount of time would be needed to crack just one password, so unique hashes very good.

The code

So history lesson over, now some code; as identified above the best way was to generate a unique salt for every user and then hash their password. This isn’t hard but you do need to ensure the salt is securely random, else you may just be generating something not as secure as you thought.

Have a look at this gist Auth.rb, so useful point, the salt should be large, so if you produce a 32 bytes hash, your salt should be at least 32 bytes as well. It’s a straight forward lib that will generate and allow you to get passwords back out.

Here’s an example of it in use.

require_relative 'auth'
#This is from the web front end so you can see how to use the Lib to check a hash
def user_auth_ok?(user,pass)
  #Get user's Hash from DB
  user_hash = $db.get_user_hash(user)
  #Validate hash
  if Auth.hash_ok?(user_hash,pass)
    #User authenticated
    return true
    #user is not authenticated
    return false

#As A side point This bit os from the backend that writes it to the DB 
#If it was the chunk from what the website used it would simply call a method that took username and password
#so probably not useful...
def add_user(username,password)
  #Poke the appropriate keys, create default users, example post etc.
  uid = @redis.incr('users')
  salt = Auth.gen_salt()
  hash = Auth.gen_hash(salt,password)
  $logr.debug("Salt = #{salt}, hash = #{hash}")

def edit_user_password(username, password, newPassword)
  user = @redis.keys("users:*:#{username}")
  if user.size < 1
    $logr.debug("No user #{username} found")
    #Validate old password
    hash = @redis.get(user[0])
    if Auth.hash_ok?(hash, password)
      $"Setting a new password for #{username}")
      newHash = Auth.gen_hash(Auth.get_salt(hash),newPassword)
      $"password incorrect")
      #TODO - Need exception classes to raise Auth failure

Deploying Sinatra based apps to Heroku, a beginners guide

A bit of background

So last week, I was triumphant, I conquered an almighty task, I managed to migrate my companies website from a static site to a Sinatra backed site using partial templates. I migrated because I was getting fed up of modifying all of the pages, all two of them, when ever I wanted to update the footers or headers, this is where the partial templates came in; Sinatra came in because it had decent documentation and seemed good…

So, at this time feeling rather pleased with myself I set about working out how to put this online with my current hosting provider, who I have a few domains name with but only through an acquisition they made. I thought I’d give them a shot when setting up my company site, better the devil you know etc and they supported php, ruby and python which was fantastic as I knew I would be using python or ruby at some point to manage the site. After a frustrating hour of reading trying to work how to deploy the ruby app and finding no docs with the hosting provider I logged a support ticket asking for help; to which the reply was along the lines of “I’m afraid our support for Ruby is very limited”. I chased them on Friday to try and get a response on when it would be available, no progress, some excuses because of the platform, so I asked “Do you currently have any servers that do run ruby?” to which the reply was “I’m afraid we have no servers that run Ruby, it shouldn’t be listed on our site, I didn’t know it was there.”

By this point alarm bells were ringing and I thought I best think about alternatives.

Getting started


Before even signing up to heroku it’s worth getting a few things sorted in your build environment, I had to implement a lot of this to get it working and it makes sense to have it before hand. So for starters, you need to be able to get your application running using rackup, and I came across this guide (I suggest reading it all). In short, you use Bundler to manage what gems you need installed, and you do this by creating a Gemfile with the gems in, and specifying the ruby version (2.0.0 for Heroku)

My Gemfile looks like this:

source ''
ruby '2.0.0'

# Gems
gem 'erubis'
gem 'log4r'
gem 'sinatra'
gem 'sinatra-partial'
gem 'sinatra-static-assets'
gem 'split'

It simply tells rack / bundler what is needed to make your environment work, and with this you can do something I wish I found sooner, you can execute your project in a container so you can test you have the dependancies correct before you push the site by running a command like this:

bundle exec rackup -p 9292 &

NB You will need to run

bundler install


By now you should have a directory with a Gemfile, Gemfile.lock, app.rb, and various directories for your app. The only other thing you need before deploying to heroku is a Procfile with something like the following in it:

web: bundle exec rackup -p $PORT

This tells Heroku how to run your app, which combined with the Gemfile, Bundler and the means you have a nicely contained app.

Signing up

Application hosting

Application hosting

Now, Why would I look at Heroku when I’ve already spent money on hosting. Well, for one, it will run ruby, two, it’s free for the same level of service I have with my current provider, three, it’s 7 times quicker serving the ruby app in Heroku than the static files with my current host. So step one, Sign up it’s free, no credit card 1 dyno (think of it as a fraction of a cpu, not convinced you get a whole one)

Create a new app, now, a good tip here, if you don’t already have a github account, Heroku is going to give you a git repo for free, granted no fancy graphs, but a nice place to store a website in with out forking out for private repos in github. Now once your site is in the Heroku git repo you just need to push it up and watch it deploy, at this point you amy need to fix a few things but… it’ll be worth it.


I don’t want to say it’s the best, so I’m going to balance up the awesomeness of what follows with this I suggest you read it so you can form your own opinions.

So using Pingdom’s tool for web performance I tested the performance of my site, hosted in the UK, vs Heroku in AWS’s European (Ireland) and here’s the results:

The current site, is behind a CDN provided by Cloudflare and already had a few tweaks made to make it quicker, so this is as good as it gets for the static site: results

Now the new site, unpublished due to the aforementioned hosting challenge, doe snot have a CDN, it is not using any compression yet unless Heroku is doing it, but it’s performance is significantly quicker as seen in the results

Now for those of you who can’t be bothered to click the link, the current site loads in 3.43 seconds which is slow but still faster than most sites, the Heroku based site loads in 459ms so 7 times quicker and it’s not CDN’d yet, or white space optimised, that’s pretty darn quick.

Sinatra – partial templates

Singing a different song

Firstly apologies, it’s been over a month since my last blog post but unfortunately with holidays, illness and change of jobs I’ve been struggling to find any time to write about what I’ve been doing.

A few months back I did a little research into micro web frameworks, did quite a bit of reading around Sinatra, Bottle and Flask. To be honest they all seem good, and I want to play with Flask or bottle at some point too, but Sinatra is the one I’ve gone for so far as he documentation was the best and it seemed the easiest to use and he easiest to extend, not that I’ll ever be doing that!

Either way I thought I’d have a bit of a play with it and see if I could get something up and working and, locally for now due to a lack of documentation from my hosting provider… I have re-created my website Practical DevOps within Sinatra using rackup, bundler and ERB templates.

Now there’s a few reasons I did this, one, I wanted to stop updating every page when ever I needed to update the header or footer of a page, two, I want to implement Split testing (also know as A/B Testing) using something like Split. With all of this in mind and the necessity of having a bit more programmatic control over the website it seemed like a good idea to go with Sinatra.

The Basics of Sinatra

By default Sinatra looks for a static content in a directory called “public” and will look for templates in a folder called “views” which if needed can be configured within the app. So for basic sites this works fine and would have worked fine for me, but I really wanted partial templates to save having to enter the same details on multiple pages, and this can be done with Sinatra partial.


require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/partial'
require 'erb'

module Sinatra
  class App < Sinatra::Base

   register Sinatra::Partial
   set :partial_template_engine, :erb

    #Index page
    ['/?', '/index.html'].each do |path|
      get path do
        erb :index, :locals => {:js_plugins => ["assets/plugins/parallax-slider/js/modernizr.js", "assets/plugins/parallax-slider/js/jquery.cslider.js", "assets/js/pages/index.js"], :js_init => '<script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        </script>', :css_plugins => ['assets/plugins/parallax-slider/css/parallax-slider.css'], :home_active => true}

So let’s look at the above which is simply to serve the index of the site.

   register Sinatra::Partial
   set :partial_template_engine, :erb

The register command is how you extend Sinatra, so the sinatra-partial gem when it is installed simply drops it’s code in the sinatra area and when you call register all of the public methods are registered, this allows you to do stuff like this with magic, or you can use it in the ERB template like this. The next line simple tells sinatra to use ERB rather than haml, I chose this because of puppet and chef all using erb and as a result i’m a lot more familiar with that.

 #Index page
    ['/?', '/index.html'].each do |path|
      get path do
        erb :index, :locals => {:js_plugins => ["assets/plugins/parallax-slider/js/modernizr.js", "assets/plugins/parallax-slider/js/jquery.cslider.js", "assets/js/pages/index.js"], :js_init => '<script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        </script>', :css_plugins => ['assets/plugins/parallax-slider/css/parallax-slider.css'], :home_active => true}

One of the nice things with sinatra is it’s simple to use the same provider for multiple routes, and the easiest way of doing this is to define an array and simply iterate over it for each path. Sinatra uses the http methods to define it’s own functions of what should happen, so a http get requires a route to be defined using the “get [path] block” style syntax and likewise the same for post, delete etc, see the Routes section of the sinatra docs for more info.

The last section is calling the template, so typically the syntax could just be “erb :page_minus_extension” which would load the erb template from the “views” directory created earlier. If you wanted to pass in variables to this you would define a signal ‘:locals’ which takes a hash of variables. All of these variables are only available to the the template that was called at the beginning, so to get the variables to the partial requires some work within the template.

Now within the the views/index.erb file I have the following:

<%= #include header
partial :"partials/header", :locals => {:css_plugins => css_plugins, :home_active => home_active}

Partial calls another template within the views directory, so as I have a partial called header.erb in views/partials/ it loads that, and by defining the locals again from within the template I am able to pass the variables from index into the header or any other partial as needed.

Okay, that’s all folks, Hopefully that’s enough to get people up and running, have a good look at the examples in the git projects they’re useful, and be sure to read the entire Intro to sinatra, very useful!

To IDE or not

What’s in an IDE!

Over the last 15 years or so I have used a few IDE’s for programming “proper” applications in Pascal, Delphie, C/C++ or Java but since moving to the darker side of computing, the linux world I never really needed an IDE and they were just bloated text editors. I don’t think much has changed but there are some good points and I’m at a cross roads as to what to do.

Should I spend some time making Vim, the best text editor the world will ever see better or give up and use an IDE, it’s not as straight forward as I would like to think or as anyone else would probably think so I wonder how it will turn out.

The basics

I’m currently, and probably most likely to be doing web based development and Ruby / python. Up until recently I had just used Vim to get any Ruby programming I needed done, and to be honest it worked okay. I typically just opened a new terminal tab and then changed to the repo directory and started opening files, So I had to cd to a directory before opening the file it wasn’t killing me. I was able to just open and get on with making changes with no real hassle and with syntax high lighting it worked out quite well. Recently I have started to do more web based things and have started using an IDE for that and that’s what’s lead to this blog, there’s a few features of an IDE that I think I’m missing from Vim.

1, Being able to see the entire project directory easily and visually navigating to supporting files to have a quick view / edit is nice.
2, Refactoring, simple things like changing a variable name can be a real bugger in Vim, yes you can find and replace but that is not the same as refactoring, to refactor like an IDE does Vim would need to understand to some degree the codes structure and not to treat it all like text
3, Hiding chunks of code, being able to rol up / down sections of code can make it a lot easier to focus on what’s actually going on
4, Word completion, IDE’s know about the libs being used and the other variabels so can offer hints to complete the words being typed which is very handy
5, Short hand, being able to type short hand to do lots of things, like starting a html tag and having it auto completed speeds up development which must be good

I think if I could get the above features in Vim I probably would struggle to justify not using Vim, lets see what happens.


1, This is seemingly an easy oen to address with something like NERD tree Initially this looks good so I’m saying point 1 is solved, just need some better aliases (:help 40.2)

2, In short, no, I’ve only seen normal find / replace or basically using grep, There does seem to be language specific ones like This but who wants to find a new refactoring plugin (if someone wrote it) for every new language…

3, This is again easy if you know what to look for Folding is not new and from my quick play seems good.

4, Again language specific it seems possible: this one for ruby, but what about python? javascript? etc etc

5, This one is a simple one that vim does do: Here but it’s almost like you have to hand crank it all!


So from what I can see I can spend some time making Vim do what I need, and no doubt there’s some stuff there for Ruby and Python that would make it a lot more useful to use as an IDE but it still doesn’t make it easy and will be rather language specific in terms of making it work well out of the box. It does seem that IDE’s are better at those specific tasks above, not to mention debugging and break points etc, maybe Vim can do more of that too and I just don’t know how.

Either way it coped better with the 5 original points than I thought it would and I have found some things out that suggest it may be worth tweaking my current vim to make it better. In the mean time I think I will continue to persevere with learning the IDE and it’s short cuts as it appears that it could dramatically speed up my development by just simply using the tools already there.

I wasn’t expecting to find vi to be as good as it was but in my head even though I prefer Vim at the moment I think the IDE will cope better in the long run, time will tell.

I did it, Plugins

I said I couldn’t do it

It was not long ago I said in the Sentinel Update I didn’t know how to do plugins. Well less than a week after writing it I was reading a few articles by Gregory Brown on modules and Mixins. These are the first time I’ve read something that explains them in a way I actually understand.

I was doing research into modules and mixins as they seemed a bit pointless but thanks to the articles by Gregory I was able to understand them and right in the middle of reading some of the examples and having a play a lightning bolt struck me, it all became clear on how to implement the a plugin manager.

Some Bad Code

Based on some of the stuff I saw I came up with the following, ignore most of it I was just hacking around to see if I could get it to work the names meant more in a previous iteration.

module PluginManager
#Just seeing if this works like magic...
    class LoadPlugin
        def initialize
            #The key is a plugin_name the &block is the code so in theory when initialzed it can be run
            @plugins={} unless !@plugins.nil?

        def add_plugin (key,&block)

        def run_plugin (key)
            puts "Plugin to Run = #{key}"
            puts "Plugin does:\n"


        def list_plugins
            @plugins.each_key {|key| puts key}


plugins =

plugins.add_plugin (:say_hello) do
    puts "Hello"

plugins.add_plugin (:count_to_10) do
    for i in 0..10
        puts "#{i}"

plugins.add_plugin (:woop) do
    puts "Wooop!"

plugins.add_plugin (:say_goodbye) do
    puts "Good Bye :D"

puts "in theory... Multiple plugins have been loaded"
puts "listing plugins:"
puts "running plugins:"
plugins.run_plugin (:say_hello)
plugins.run_plugin (:woop)
plugins.run_plugin (:count_to_10)
plugins.run_plugin (:say_goodbye)

And when it runs:

in theory... Multiple plugins have been loaded
listing plugins:
running plugins:
Plugin to Run = say_hello
Plugin does:
Plugin to Run = woop
Plugin does:
Plugin to Run = count_to_10
Plugin does:
Plugin to Run = say_goodbye
Plugin does:
Good Bye :D

This is good news I and I really like the site, I will be using it a lot more as I learn more about ruby it explains things really well, and it looks like if you can afford the $8/month you can get a lot more articles by the same guy at


So in short… Sentinel will have plugins, I like the blogs at ruby best practices and This blog will also be short :D

AWS CopySnapshot – A regional DR backup


After many months of talking with Amazon about better ways of getting backups from one region to another they sneak in a sneaky little update on their blog I will say it here, World changing update! The ability to easily and readily sync your EBS data between regions is game changing, I kid you not, in my tests I synced 100GB from us-east-1 to us-west-1 in such a quick time it was done before I’d switched to that region to see it! However… sometimes it is a little slower… Thinking about it, it could have been a blank volume I don’t really know :/

So at Alfresco we do not heavily use EBS as explained Here when we survived a major amazon issue that affected many larger websites than our own. We do still have EBS volumes as it is almost impossible to get rid of them, and by the very nature the data that is on these EBS volumes is very precious so obviously we want it backed up. A few weeks ago I started writing a backup script for EBS volumes, well the script wasn’t well tested it was quickly written but it worked. I decided that I would very quickly, well to be fair I spent ages on it, update the script with the new CopySnapshot feature.

At the time of writing, the CopySnapshot exists in one place, the deepest, darkest place known to man, the Amazon Query API interface; this basically means that rather than simply doing some method call you have to throw all the data to it and back again to make it hang together, for the real programmers out there this is just an inconvenience for me it is a nightmare, it was an epic battle between my motivation, my understanding and my google prowess, in short I won.

It was never going to be easy…

In the past I have done some basic stuff with REST type API’s, set some header, put some variable on the params of the url and just let it go, all very simple, Amazon’s was slightly more advanced to say the least.

So I had to use this complicated encoded, parsed encrypted and back to back handshake as described here with that and the CopySnapshot docs I was ready to rock!

So after failing for an hour to even get my head around the authentication I decided to cheat, and use google. The biggest break through was thanks to James Murty the AWS class he has written is perfect, the only issue was my understanding on how to use modules in ruby which were very new to me. On a side note i thought Modules were meant to fix issues with name space but for some reason even though I included the class in script it seemed to conflict with the ruby aws-sdk I already had so I just had to rename the class / file from AWS to AWSAPI and all was then fine. That and I also had to add a parameter to pass in the AWS_ACCESS_KEY which was a little annoying as I thought the class would have taken care of that, but to be fair it wasn’t hard to work out in the end.

So first things first, have a look at the AWS.rb file on the site it does the whole signature signing bit well and saves me the hassle of doing or thinking about it. On a side note, this all uses version 2 of the signing which I imagine will be deprecated at some point as version 4 is out and about Here

If you were proactive you’ve already read the CopySnapshot docs and noticed that in plain english or complicated that page does not tell you how to copy between regions. I imagine it’s because I don’t know how to really use the tools but it’s not clear to me… I had noticed that th wording they used was identical to the params being passed in the example so I tried using Region, DestinationRegion, DestRegion all failing, kind of as expected seeing as I was left to guess my way through; I was there, that point where you’ve had enough and it doesn’t look like it is ever going to work so I started writing a support ticket for Amazon so they could point out what ever it was I was missing at the moment of just about to hit submit I had a brainwave. If the only option is to specify the source then how do you know the destination? well, I realised that each region has its own API url, so would that work as the destination? YES!

The journey was challenging, epic even for this sysadmin to tackle and yet here we are, a blog post about regional DR backups of EBS snapshots so without further ado, and no more gilding the lily I present some install notes and code…

Make it work

The first thing you will need to do is get the appropriate files, the AWS.rb from James Murty. Once you have this You will need to make the following changes:

< module AWS
> module AWSAPI

Next you will need to steal the code for the backup script:


require 'rubygems'
require 'aws-sdk'
require 'uri'
require 'crack'

#Get options
source_region ||= "us-east-1"

#Create a class for the aws module
class CopySnapshot
  #This allows me to initalize the module with out re-writing it
  require 'awsapi'
  include AWSAPI


def get_dest_url (region)
  case region
  when "us-east-1"
    url = ""
  when "us-west-2"
    url = ""
  when "us-west-1"
    url = ""
  when "eu-west-1"
    url = ""
  when "ap-southeast-1"
    url = ""
  when "ap-southeast-2"
    url = ""
  when "ap-northeast-1"
    url = ""
  when "sa-east-1"
    url = ""
  return url

def copy_to_region(description,dest_region,snapshotid, src_region)

  cs =

  #Gen URL
  url= get_dest_url(dest_region)

  #Set up Params
  params =
  params["Action"] = "CopySnapshot"
  params["Version"] = "2012-12-01"
  params["SignatureVersion"] = "2"
  params["Description"] = description
  params["SourceRegion"] = src_region
  params["SourceSnapshotId"] = snapshotid
  params["Timestamp"] =
  params["AWSAccessKeyId"] = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY']

  resp = begin
  rescue Exception => e
    puts e.message

  if resp.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
    response = Crack::XML.parse(resp.body)
    if response["CopySnapshotResponse"].has_key?('snapshotId')
      puts "Snapshot ID in #{dest_region} is #{response["CopySnapshotResponse"]["snapshotId"]}" 
    puts "Something went wrong: #{resp.class}"

if File.exist?(volumes_file)
  puts "File found, loading content"
  #Fix contributed by Justin Smith:
  ec2 = => ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY'], :secret_access_key=> ENV['AWS_SECRET_KEY']).regions[source_region], "r") do |fh|
    fh.each do |line|
      if line.split(',').size >2
      puts "Volume ID = #{volume_id} Volume Description = #{volume_desc}"
      v = ec2.volumes["#{volume_id}"]
      if v.exists? 
        puts "creating snapshot"
        date =
        backup_string="Backup of #{volume_id} - #{}-#{date.month}-#{date.year}"
        puts "#{backup_string}" 
        snapshot = v.create_snapshot(backup_string)
        sleep 1 until [:completed, :error].include?(snapshot.status)
        snapshot.tag("Name", :value =>"#{volume_desc} #{volume_id}")
        # if it should be backed up to another region do so now
        if !volume_dest_region.nil? 
          if !volume_dest_region.match(/\s/) ? true : false
            puts "Backing up to #{volume_dest_region}"
            puts "Snapshot ID = #{}"
        puts "Volume #{volume_id} no longer exists"
  puts "no file #{volumes_file}"

Once you have that you will need to create a file with the volume sin to backup, in the following format:

vol-127facd,My vol,us-west-1
vol-1ac123d,My vol2
vol-cd1245f,My vol3,us-west-2

The format is “volume id, description,region” the region is where you want to backup to. once you have these details you just call the file as follows:

ruby ebs_snapshot.rb <Access key> <secret key> <volumes file>

I don’t recommend putting your key’s on the CLI or even in a cron job but it wouldn’t take much to re-facter this into a class if needed and if you were bothered about that.
It should work quite well if anyone has any problems let me know and I’ll see what I can do :)

EBS Snapshot script

Like it say’s

Over the last 18 months, the one key thingI have learnt about amazon is don’t use EBS, in any way shape or form, in most cases it will be okay, but if you start relying on it it can ruin even the best architected service and reduce it to a rubble. So you can imagine how pleased I was to find I’d need to write something to make EBS snapshots.

For those of you that don’t know, Alfresco Enterprise has an amp to connect to S3 which is fantastic and makes use of a local cache while it’s waiting for the s3 buckets to actually write the data and if you’re hosting in Amazon this is the way to go. It means you can separate the application from the OS & data, which is important for the following reasons:

1, EBS volumes suck, so where possible don’t use them for storing data, or for your OS,
2, Having data else where means you can, with out prejudice delete nodes and your data is safe
3, It forces you to build an environment that can be rapidly re-built

So in short, data off of the server means you can scale up and down easily and you can rebuild easily, the key is always to keep the distinctively different areas separate and do not merge them together.

So facing this need to backup EBS volumes I’d thought I’d start with snapshots, I did a bit of googling and came across a few ebs snapshot programs that seem to do the job, but I wanted one in Ruby and I’ve used amazon’s SDK’s before so why not write my own.

The script


require 'rubygems'
require 'aws-sdk'

#Get options

if File.exist?("/usr/local/bin/backup_volumes.txt")
  puts "File found, loading content"
  ec2 = => access_key_id, :secret_access_key=> secret_access_key)"/usr/local/bin/backup_volumes.txt", "r") do |fh|
    fh.each do |line|
      puts "Volume ID = #{volume_id} Volume Description = #{volume_desc}}"
      v = ec2.volumes["#{volume_id}"]
      if v.exists? 
        puts "creating snapshot"
        date =
        backup_string="Backup of #{volume_id} - #{}-#{date.month}-#{date.year}"
        puts "#{backup_string}" 
        snapshot = v.create_snapshot(backup_string)
        sleep 1 until [:completed, :error].include?(snapshot.status)
        snapshot.tag("Name", :value =>"#{volume_desc} #{volume_id}")
        puts "Volume #{volume_id} no longer exists"
  puts "no file backup_volumes.txt"

I started writing it with the idea of having it just backup all EBS volumes that ever existed, but I thought better of it. So I added a file “backup_volumes.txt” so instead it will lead this and look for a volume id and a name for it, i.e.

vol-1264asde,Data Volume

if you wanted to backup everything it wouldn’t take much to extend this, i.e. change the following:

v = ec2.volumes[&quot;#{volume_id}&quot;]


ec2.volumes.each do |v|

or at least something like that…

Anyway, the file takes the keys via the cli as params to the script so it makes it quite easy to run the script on one server in several cron jobs with different keys if needed.

It’s worth mentioning at this point that within AWS you should be using IAM to restrict the EBS policy down to the bear minimum something like this is a good start:

  &quot;Statement&quot;: [
      &quot;Sid&quot;: &quot;Stmt1353967821525&quot;,
      &quot;Action&quot;: [
      &quot;Effect&quot;: &quot;Allow&quot;,
      &quot;Resource&quot;: &quot;*&quot;

For what it’s worth, you can spend a while reading loads of stuff to work out how to set up the policy or just use the policy generator

Right, slightly back on topic, It also tags the name of the volume for you because we all know the description field isn’t good enough.

Well that is it. Short and something, something… Now the disclaimer, I ran the script a handful of times and it seemed good, So please test it :)

Now for something a little petty

Text is nice, graphs are pretty

Over the last few weeks I have been writing more and more metric gathering tasks to identify how the systems we use are being used and what is valuable about them. All of this wonderful metric information at the moment is text based and mailed out, but text representation works fine for things that are tangible, such as the cost or number of users, but what if you wan to know how many users are online at 8 am or 10 am or 1 pm? Well this is where something pretty comes into the mix.

As part of the metrics gathering I have been looking at various graph drawing tools and there are quite a few out there, some although technically brilliant are ugly, some or pretty but limited. Over a longer term it will probably make sense to use some javascript library to draw the graphs, but I wanted something now and we had a graphite server which was being used for some more generic stuff but I hadn’t done anything with it.

Get some data in

Graphite is pretty cool, you just send some very basic information to it and it tracks it, it can then take care of the display of the information and certain functions like the average or max of a metric. All of the graphs are drawn on the flu so you can change the time frame, add extra plots and all this good stuff. Initially I was put off by Graphite because it looks messy but I decided that now was a good time to learn.

The first challenge I had was putting some data into it, because it just takes a text string you can update it using net cat if you really wanted, but I decided to g for a pure ruby implementation.

# Graphite DAO

require 'socket'

class GraphiteDAO

  def initialize (server, port)
    @server = server
    @port = port

  def put_graphite(metric_name, metric_value, date =
    string = metric_name.to_s + &quot; &quot; + metric_value.to_s + &quot; &quot; + date.to_s
    #puts &quot;string = #{string}&quot;

  def write(data)
    socket =, @port)
      socket.puts &quot;#{data}&quot;

This is very functional and there is no error checking but its enough to get it working, as you can see I just take the metric name i.e. the path in graphite and the value, you can optionally pass in the date if you wish, but it made more sense to just use “now” as the date in most cases.

The metric name is a path in graphie, so the metric name I pass in may be “prod.application.concurrent_users” this allows for the data to be structured logically within graphite and is easier to recall later.

Getting something out

By far the most useful thing I learnt about graphite is changing the line mode to be connected, it turns the tiny line spec that I can’t see into a connected line… so now graphs are visible. In short graphite lets you select any number of metrics to graph onto one graph, and the default view is sort of a graph builder. This typically works fine if you only have 1 metric or you are comparing the same metric from three sources, however if the range between the lowest metric and the highest is too far, you just end up with a straight line for each, this is not a graphite issue but a general issue with graphs.

Now for the really useful stuff, you can use graphite to render specific graphs for you by calling a specific url to render your graphs, so once you know what the path is to the metric you can do all sorts of stuff.

for example…


Because it is just a matter of adding options of multiple targets it is easy to use, and the documentation is okay (and Here)

The other element that is really useful is drawing graphs that don’t exist for example


The rendering engine is good and I like it, so considering this whole thing only took 25 mins to work out it was well worth the effort in doing so, a quick return for not much effort

Sysadmins in a Developers world

It’s all back to front

Well it was about 9 months back when I was touching on Developers in a sysadmin world and my initial thoughts were along the lines of we are better at different tasks, and after spending a week doing only development I am of the same opinion still.

Over the last 6 months we have had our solitary developer, coding away making great things happen, predominately developing a portal that allows us to deploy environments in 15 mins vs the 2 days it took before and the whole things is very pretty, it even has its own Favicon.ico which we are all pleased about. In addition to just deploying, it also allows us to scale up and down the environments it creates and despite constant interruptions it is coming along really well and in the next month we will be providing it as a service to the engineering teams to self serve.

As more and more of our tools are developing we are also in-housing more and more of our tools. As the regular readers know I do dable with the odd slightly more complex program than the average sysadmin might tackle. When we are faced with a situation such as monitoring the operations, by this I mean, the number of user growth week on week and the cost of running the environment(s) it just made more sense to do it our selves. There are tools out there that provide various dashboards like Geckoboard which can all do approximately 80% of the job, but it’s that last 20% that adds the usefulness, as such we are trying to develop tolls that are pluggable and extensible and support multiple outputs. For example the Metrics report we have will also support Geckoboard, Graphite, Email and probably have it’s own web interface.

For us it is becoming more about having the flexibility to add and remove components and keeping the flexibility around it, this introduces challenges with what ever being written needing to be pluggable and easy to maintain, which often make sit complicated.

I used classes, as a necessity

Typically when I program there is not much need for classes or even objects for that matter, a simple var and some nice loops and conditional statements would be plenty. Well not so much anymore, The last project was metrics and as with other projects I got it working within a day or two, and I hated it, it took over 30 seconds for it to run and generate the report I needed but not in the right format and then the level of detail in the metrics was not high enough, it could manage weekly but it was not good enough.

I decided that I’d have a chat with a few developers to help with the structure of the application, at first I was dubious, but it turned out well. The key step which I wouldn’t have made until it was a real problem was to separate out the the tasks that gathers the raw data, the tasks that manipulates the data into useful numbers, the bit that stores the data, the bit that manipulates the data into useful numbers and then finally the bit that outputs the pretty data.

This was an evolutionary step, I would have got to the point of understanding the need to separate each step out but not until it had become a real big pain many months later. Another advantage of splitting it out was how much simpler each step was, there were classes defining methods for getting data that were being used in classes to format the data that were being used… you get the idea. Rather than being one class to connect to amazon, manipulate the data and return an object that could be used to generate the metrics everything was done on much smaller steps. As a result it was a lot easier to write small chunks of code “that just worked” and it made debugging a lot easier, and I feel like I progressed my understanding, and this is always a good thing.

Who should do what

I touched on this in my other post, but I want to amend it based on a better understanding. To summarise I pretty much said as it is, Developers develop, sysadmins admin. They do, and certainly that should be their focus, but I think there is a lot to be gained from both points of view when pushed to work in the others world.

Before our developer joined the focus was on making the build, test and release process better, after forcing the developer to do sysadmin work for a month or so while the team was trying to grow and cope with the loss of a team member, it became clear that the time wasted for us all was not getting a build though but by us not being able to paralise the testing or being agile enough to re-deploy an environment if it was not quite right. These steps and understandings would not have happened if we didn’t encroach on each others work and gain the understanding from the other persons perspective.


This is what DevOps is really about, forget sysadmins doing code, forget about developers doing sysadmin work, it is about us meeting in the middle and understanding the issues we each face and working together to solve bigger problems.

Simple facts with Puppet

It’s not that hard

When I first started looking at facter it was magic, things just happened and when I entered facter a list of variables appeared and all of these variables are available to use within puppet modules / manifests to help make life easier. After approximately 2 years of thinking how good they were and how nice it would be to have my own I finally took the time to look at it and try to work it out….

For those of you that don’t know, facter is a framework for providing facts about a host system that puppet can use to make intelligent decisions about what to do and can be used to determine the operating system, release of it, local IPs etc etc. This gives you flexibility in puppet to do things like choose what packages to install based on Linux distribution or insert the local IP address into a template.

Writing Facts

So, Lets look at a standard fact that comes with it so you can see the complexity involved an understand why after glancing at it I never went much further.

# Fact: interfaces
# Purpose:
# Resolution:
# Caveats:

# interfaces.rb
# Try to get additional Facts about the machine's network interfaces
# Original concept Copyright (C) 2007 psychedelys <>
# Update and *BSD support (C) 2007 James Turnbull <>

require 'facter/util/ip'

# Note that most of this only works on a fixed list of platforms; notably, Darwin
# is missing.

Facter.add(:interfaces) do
  confine :kernel => Facter::Util::IP.supported_platforms
  setcode do
    Facter::Util::IP.get_interfaces.collect { |iface| Facter::Util::IP.alphafy(iface) }.join(",")

Facter::Util::IP.get_interfaces.each do |interface|

  # Make a fact for each detail of each interface.  Yay.
  #   There's no point in confining these facts, since we wouldn't be able to create
  # them if we weren't running on a supported platform.
  %w{ipaddress ipaddress6 macaddress netmask}.each do |label|
    Facter.add(label + "_" + Facter::Util::IP.alphafy(interface)) do
      setcode do
        Facter::Util::IP.get_interface_value(interface, label)

This is stolen, and all it does is provide a comma separated list of interfaces as follows: eth0, eth1 etc etc

Now, when I started looking at facter I knew no ruby and it was a bit daunting, but alas I learnt some and never bothered looking at facter again until my boss managed to simplify one down to it’s bear essentials, which is the one line…

Facter.add("bob") { setcode { "bob" } }

At this point onwards all you need to do is learn some ruby to make sure you can populate that appropriately or, use bash to get the details and populate the fact, in the next example I just grab the pid of apache from ps

apachepid=`ps -fu apache | grep apache | awk '{ print $2}'`

Facter.add(:apachepid) {
	setcode { apachepid }

So if you know bash, and you can copy and paste you can do something like the above, now this is ruby, so you can do a lot more complex things but that’s not for today

Okay, so now something more complex is needed…. What if you’re in Amazon and use the Tags on your EC2 instances and you want to use them in puppet ? well you can just query amazon and get a result and use that, although that will take forever and 1 day to run as AWS is not the quickest. This is an issue we had to over come, so we decided to run a script that would query amazon in it’s own time and populate the tags onto the file system, at which point we can read them quickly with facter.

So first, a shell script.

source /path/to/aws/

# Grab all tags
for i in $($EC2_HOME/bin/ec2-describe-tags --filter "resource-type=instance" --filter "resource-id=`facter ec2_instance_id`" | grep -v cloudformation | cut -f 4-)
        key=$(echo $i | cut -f1)
        value=$(echo $i | cut -f2-)

        if [ ! -d "/opt/facts/tags/" ]
                mkdir -p /opt/facts/tags
        if [ -n $value ]
                echo $value > /opt/facts/tags/$key
		/usr/bin/logger set fact $key to $value

So this isn’t the best script in the world, but it is simple, it pulls a set of tags out of amazon and basically stores them in a directory where the file name is the tag name and the content is the tag value.
So now we have the facts locally with bash, something we’re all a bit more familiar with we can then take something like facter which is alien ruby and force some bash inside it but still generate facts that provide value

tags=`ls /opt/facts/tags/`

tags.each do |keys|
        value = `cat /opt/facts/tags/#{keys}`
        fact = "ec2_#{keys.chomp}"
        Facter.add(fact) { setcode { value.chomp } }

The first thing we do is produce a list of tags (directory list) and then we use some ruby to loop through it and yet more bash to get the values.
None of this is complicated, and hopefully these few examples are enough to encourage people to start writing facts even if they are an abomination to the ruby language but at least you have value without needing to spend time understanding or learning ruby.


Facts aren’t that hard to write, and thanks to being ruby you can make them as complicated as you like or as simple as you like, and you can even break into bash as needed. So now a caveat, although you can write facts quickly with this half bash/ruby mix by far, just learning ruby will make life easier in the long run, you can then start to incorporate some more complex logic into the facts to provide more value within puppet.

A useful link for facter incase you feel like reading more